"Conflict Space: Swarm of the Hive" by Paden Hodges is a gripping interstellar adventure that blends science fiction, action, and romance. Join Orion Steele and his crew as they battle the Hive, an alien menace threatening humanity's new home on Terra Nova. This is a story of survival, sacrifice, and the unyielding fight for a better future.
Orion Steele: A determined and resourceful leader, driven by the loss of his wife, Mira.
Captain Elias 'Hawk' Maddox: The fearless and experienced captain of the Valkyrie.
Mira Steele: Orion's wife, whose capture by the Hive fuels his relentless quest.
Nova: A brilliant scientist with crucial knowledge about the Hive.
Blade: A fierce warrior with a personal vendetta against the Hive.
ROOK: A loyal and strategic combatant with a haunting past.
Orion Steele and his team navigate the perilous landscapes of Terra Nova, battling the Hive to protect humanity's last hope. From daring rescue missions to intense close-quarters combat, every moment is a test of their courage and resolve. Will they overcome the Hive and save their new home? Find out in this heart-pounding adventure.
"As a lifelong fan of epic stories and grand adventures, I poured my heart and soul into creating 'Conflict Space: Swarm of the Hive.' This book is more than just a story; it's a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope. I invite you to join Orion and his crew on this unforgettable journey."